Friday, June 28, 2024

Turn, Turn, Turn


-the maybe fictional small mountain with a Restaurant on top of it


-RESTAURANT / REVELATIONS figures real-all me from Earth


-the small mountain my 7 days ago I tried to rise out of in a rocket about the 21st of June 2024

-like the small mountain Mauao I also took a Bus ride to on Friday March 31st 2027

-from that date my miracles were real. And incredibly powerful

Thursday, June 27, 2024

Bible: Fact or Fiction?

  -the Bible may be fiction / not true

-about 1980 several of us young people went to paddocks across Darraghs Road from my home

-somehow a type of Pig / BULL ran out

-the BIBLE is BULL

-the proof is it was somehow able to get out of the Bacon Factory

-it was REID's Bacon Factory as in READS FICTION

-I rose a post of timber as if in defense 

-later that same trip down there in bush 

-we found some really old BOTTLES / BULL

-as a few of us were taking some an elderly man approached in the distance maybe angry

-the bottles might have been small and green. And I don't know how they got there either

-in Darraghs Road in 1980 and in my year at School in 1980 was a student named



-he looked like Christian 'Paredes'. Maybe me causing the fictional religion of Christianity will set up in me an exact looking appearance as him


 -recently a few times

-I was reading what I had typed in Posts just before

-there were words, parts of sentences etc

-that didn't make sense

-parts I didn't remember writing

-they were like gibberish

-I think I might have at some point signed a Contract or signed Contracts a number of times

-it is the strangeness of a few times reading or writing these

-maybe irrevocable Contracts saying-

-I can never marry

-I can never have a wife, husband, spouse or real partner

-I can never live with a wife or husband etc

-I can never have real friends

-when Public attention comes to me I can never have a real job. Except being a super hero


what I read in Revelations

-the ANTI CHRIST- I give up getting a body like CHRISTIAN Paredes

-born the MALE CHILD- I have the body of CHANGELING instead designed to be the greatest body anywhere


-his mother the Whore of BABYLON- she dates a man like Archie

-the similar DC Comics character BINKY / BABYLON

-Binky BIG ram. Like my first address in New Zealand was MAX well Drive


-I have super hero powers arranged in me similar to how BILLY BATSON's are worked out

-in 2023 I was at BOTANICAL Road

-I saw a tree at the top of a bank with trees on. The tree had a multi-indent in a place of bark. Like in 1985 I daydreamed there was a tree with the same indent layouts at the top of a slope of a main Road

-the tree had been damaged with a split in it

-that day months ago. Like in my original daydream to get to a rocket at the base of an elevator in the tree

-I pressed a large BUTTON shaped indent at the tree's base

-I never thought of it then. That was what I just did

-used a pinkish lump on my left thigh to set off my lists of miracles

-and soon after tried to use that lump to mean any wife, husband or real partner I get devolves in to a large reddish blob like person like the lump until they can pull themselves together

-and without meaning to. Touching the BUTTON like indent on the tree

-the pinkish lump may have provided me with the list of about 12 super hero powers

-Binky (Bigram) a character a lot like Archie but made by DC Comics. In 1989 there was a Mile High Comics new comics catalog. There was a black and white panel. A character looking like Binky. Tall, dark brown hair. He was lying in bed under a sheet maybe naked. With his feet sticking out of the ends of the sheet. There was an old woman character maybe called The Witch. And a character a woman. Called either Yours FAITHFULLY or Yours TRUELY. Looking like Blondie. Tall, long blonde hair and flirty looking. The Whore of Babylon. I don't know where the character looking like Binky came from

-Revelations says The Anti-Christ rules all nations. Maybe like what I have just started to think. My many body faults 

-and the tree's base I touched the button like indent. In my original Monitor daydream I touch the button and go down an elevator in the tree to the rocket. Just over the week the pinkish lump might have caused me to come out of under a maybe fictional small mountain with fictional Restaurant on top of it that would send out my miracles 

-years ago I tried to make Charles my father from when he studied in nearby Australia. And say in an alternative timeline there he was Binky. He studied at TIMBERTOP Campus GEELONG

-TIMBER TOP like the split tree. Gee LONG as in BIG ram

Wednesday, June 26, 2024


-I just had the line go through my head

-'It's a song about God too'

-the day I went to the next town by Bus. At the base of MAUAO / MESSIAH. Then at MARINE Parade

-I repeated over and over

-Bop Bup Bup

-each one looks like the word 'God'

-maybe for God, Jesus and the Holy Ghost or next Mesiah

-each letter has a 'HOLE' in it

-like saying the HOLY Bible isn't true

-someone might have put the line in my head. And with paranormal forces behind me that could mean that 

Cave of Wonders

 -I for a while had the idea the open gap to my garage ceiling

-if I stood under it. I called it my Cave of Wonders

-maybe standing under it gave me super-powerful miracles

-I was wrong about that

-I wound up putting my 1980 copy of New Teen Titans 1 up in there

-in it a page from a Library book


-like I DESTROY FOREVER anyone who comes in to the 'Cave of Wonders' that I ESPECIALLY don't want to

-when I ripped out the page I saw there was a Cave of Wonders in it

-the character Huckleberry FINN too

-if your lives are destroyed it is FOREVER. And in any AFTERLIFE you have

-in the New Teen Titans the character Wonder Girl whose life was permanently destroyed. And partly true for the rest of the team

-the Cave of Wonders I will call what might be the Garden of Eden

-to the borders of it

-the Garden of Eden part of the garden at my home gives me my magic powers

Tuesday, June 25, 2024


-if Christianity is true

-Jesus Christ might be the main villain of the Days of our Lives series about me

-the WATCHER bought me the PARRAGON Published book a few blocks from Tauranga Boys College. Like saying I am Jesus's PARENT like I am the father of those students

-years ago I tried to make Jesus Christ my son but disregarded it


-the WATCHER appeared looking like WALTER Disney. Like to say Jesus is the Darth Vader / Anakin SKYWALKER of all of space

-trying to destroy my life over and over. Setting me up to look stupid and that's a lot of what turned people on me

-he is a lot of the fault of the near disasters that could have ruined everything forever

-the Tauranga Boys College. In a lunch area. Their Latin motto PERGO et PERAGO

-there is a tall wall with a large picture of a man's head looking like Walt Disney

-Jesus Christ having to WATCH the channel

-and by it a Pyramid slope of concrete seats / steps

-like saying Stairway to Heaven 

-the Fairstar Cruise I was on in 1983. There were a couple I saw twice

-a woman looking just like DIANA but with a full beard. ANAKIN

-her partner looking just like CHARLES. CHRIST

-once he wore a pink, sleeveless top with on the front of it a lot of multi-colored RODS

-like Light Sabres

-sleeveless- like God took his roles off him

-Rods- like God is a backstabber

-the sleeveless shirt- many of his friends and family left him

Monday, June 24, 2024

I'm the Father of Half of New Zealand

 -a decade ago late at night I STREAKED around the block

-pulling my shoulders back and pulling my stomach in as I ran. I am the father of HALF of New Zealand

-as I left our drive across the Street was the D&G Flats

-D and G as I fathered half of New Zealand

-I ran naked like me having sex

-across corners from my Street is Tauranga Boys College. Latin motto


-half of New Zealand. PARENT and PARENT. SPERM and EGG. Their emblem a NAKED man with a white disc

-around the corner I heard a siren and stopped behind a tree by the edge of a house's property 

-when I got home I lay down on my BED and pressed myself I MASS turbated. I fathered a MASS of children

-D and G. For N and Z of New Zealand. Or the North and South Islands equal sized. The country shaped like a Rabbit. Like they breed a lot

-the above similarities my 'back wards thinking magic' caused

Sunday, June 23, 2024

All Good Things

-I try to destroy completely / end the lives of the 101 people I want to that were effected by my miracles going out a few days ago

-I try to use my mother Christine Ager once having 'CA' tattooed on her hand. She once bought me a Disney toy camera. Two tapes Mickey's Trailer and 101 Dalmatians

-101 DALMATIANS I cause the DESTRUCTION of the 101 of them I want the most

-they end completely no afterlife

-the last shot of 101 Dalmatians it looked when I was young like maybe a GRAVESTONE with darkness behind it. And on the Gravestone maybe my initials in reverse on it 'AM'

-a few years ago over night there was an injured bird trying to get in 'my bedroom glass sliding door'. There were two cats circling it

-and another time I moved a Recycling Bin not moved for a long time. There were a mother hedgehog and 4 babies under it. I would have put back the Bin but forces in my mind got me to put them behind a shed in the back garden. The Bin was 'by the glass sliding front door'

-the hedgehogs had spikes on them. Like my mother Christine tattooed 'CA' on her with a sewing needle

-people like Susan of Narnia, Gargamel

-people like the innocent set up the Joker in The Killing Joke that when I restarted space had to go be Royalty, get married and have children

-and with the stories out there are good chances they will fail

-people like the teenage girl character in the book OUTCAST of Sweet Valley High

-I tried erasing the novel from my scans on a Blog but it still happened

-like she became an outcast and one day it was found out there were lives with a mass of plots

-OUTCAST- really meaning. I threw out the future set Sweet Valley High Confidential novel so the messes of the later years characters didn't happen. Like I had two Blogs of a lot of Sweet Valley High books. But not in the same order

-then I merged them in one Blog in order. The writer setting her up to be an abandoned outcast. Trying to use what they knew I would do. The woman lived a life of fear. Harassed by reporters. And the idea she was OUT CAST in to a forever of pain. And the miracles came out and she was ruined

-and my son. The teenage boy in the 1950s who gained super hero powers. Went to the DC Comics WW2 super-heroes world hoping to be Superboy. And the super-heroes gave him a life of ruin. My fault for plotting it. And he caused to get back the companies of the world to close like they suspected. Like about 1997 I thought God might have said 'GET OUT'. So I tried to run away walking far. GET OUT like he went to their world. For some reason I don't understand all I took was a clone version Superboy TRADING Card. And at the base of Mauao over the Pier I threw my CALCULATOR watch. Like Justin Timberlake bases a lot of his songs on. Just over the Bridge where I had left the TRADING Card in the slot. Like him running away. I crossed the Bridge and for a moment hid in a Dock of TREE TRUNKS / TIMBER. And threw my calculator watch in the LAKE. And when the miracles went up he was the real reason the WW2 super-heroes' world crashed

-when I was very young my mother Christine bought me a Toy Disney Camera. It had a turning handle on it's side like an old Motion Picture Filming Camera. You put a tape in and turned it's handle. I got two tapes with mine Mickey's Trailer. And 101 Dalmatians. With the dogs' owners getting married in the last shot

-and the final shot a like to me. Black background with white Gravestone. With my initials in reverse on it (AM). Like on my mother's hand she when young tattooed 'CA' on her and. Mickey's TRAILER like my mother's very kind $780, 000 Inheritance means I can stay living in my own HOME. My dream home that gives me my miracles. Not the horrors of having to do Courses and look for work. And no need for a Flat Mate which I have no way of getting. So when things fall to pieces always was in the back of my head. I can stay in my home without Flat Mate or Benefit on my savings for decades. My mother left me the money even though I stopped writing for a variety of reasons

-basically to help the people these stories I sent out with my miracles destroyed. Many villains expected to be Royalty and have wives and children. When their problems could easy turn their families on them

-maybe meaning. Wonder Girl / Donna Troy married at 19 to a man maybe more meant to be like me Terry LONG aged 29. Her haircut on the cover of Tales of the Teen Titans 50. Wonder Woman got her to wear it like a LONG ROPE down the side of her head. Meaning she has TIED her to her husband for good like a Golden Lasso. She saw she was once a very good person but let herself change and become a rotten inside person along with the rest of the team. A DC Comics add line read about one later issue Wonder Girl is about to break. And Terry Long has DEAD LINE issues

-'101' like the 'AM' on the Gravestone and 'CA' tattooed on my mother's hand

World's Fair

 -maybe the DC Comics super-heroes team set in WW2. Of almost all their super-heroes then. That came out in 1981 called All-Star Squadron -w...