Thursday, June 27, 2024


 -recently a few times

-I was reading what I had typed in Posts just before

-there were words, parts of sentences etc

-that didn't make sense

-parts I didn't remember writing

-they were like gibberish

-I think I might have at some point signed a Contract or signed Contracts a number of times

-it is the strangeness of a few times reading or writing these

-maybe irrevocable Contracts saying-

-I can never marry

-I can never have a wife, husband, spouse or real partner

-I can never live with a wife or husband etc

-I can never have real friends

-when Public attention comes to me I can never have a real job. Except being a super hero

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World's Fair

 -maybe the DC Comics super-heroes team set in WW2. Of almost all their super-heroes then. That came out in 1981 called All-Star Squadron -w...