Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Cave of Wonders

 -I for a while had the idea the open gap to my garage ceiling

-if I stood under it. I called it my Cave of Wonders

-maybe standing under it gave me super-powerful miracles

-I was wrong about that

-I wound up putting my 1980 copy of New Teen Titans 1 up in there

-in it a page from a Library book


-like I DESTROY FOREVER anyone who comes in to the 'Cave of Wonders' that I ESPECIALLY don't want to

-when I ripped out the page I saw there was a Cave of Wonders in it

-the character Huckleberry FINN too

-if your lives are destroyed it is FOREVER. And in any AFTERLIFE you have

-in the New Teen Titans the character Wonder Girl whose life was permanently destroyed. And partly true for the rest of the team

-the Cave of Wonders I will call what might be the Garden of Eden

-to the borders of it

-the Garden of Eden part of the garden at my home gives me my magic powers

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World's Fair

 -maybe the DC Comics super-heroes team set in WW2. Of almost all their super-heroes then. That came out in 1981 called All-Star Squadron -w...